Puppy Photographs I

Peck's Miss Tuffy litter of seven lively pups from the past. The daddy was Peck's Chip Off The Block, "Nacho".

Yankeestaff Pittunia's litter of six puppies born July 7, 1997. The Sire is Yankeestaff Galahad (Hondo).

Crackerstaff Silver Star (Pearl) whelped this litter September 14, 1997. Litter of five. The Sire is Yankeestaff Galahad (Hondo).

(Yankeestaff Galahad x Yankeestaff Pittunia)
He is six months old in this photo taken at Christmas 1997. Sent to us by his proud parents, Lisa & Jon Ficklin.

No Name Yet
(Yankeestaff Galahad x Yankeestaff Flo Jogee)
Hondo is the sire of this puppy out of a litter of three. The dam is called Flo Jo. Flo Jo is owned by Malcolm of Stockton, California. Born November 1, 1997.

No Name Yet
(Yankeestaff Galahad x Yankeestaff Flo Jogee)
The second puppy out of this litter born November 1, 1997.

Welcome to the World
(Yankeestaff Galahad x Crackerstaff Midnight Star)
Hondo and Daphne produced this litter of three on December 23, 1997. Three very good puppies, one male and two females.

(Yankeestaff Galahad x Yankeestaff Pittunia)
Sent to us by, Dave, his proud owner.

Weekend warriors at rest, Max and his buddy Dave.
More Photos

Am/Can Ch. Brocliffe Warhawks Tuff
(Brocliffe Hard Bitter, CD x Warhawks Xaviera MacDonald)
Tuffy was owned by Robert E. Lee of Oakland, California. A very balanced example of the Bull & Terrier. Tuffy was about nine or ten years old in this photo. One of the winningest Staffords of all time.

Peck's Miss Tuffy
(Peck's Brindle Bandit x Doomsday Chablis)
Shown here on the bench at the Cow Palace, which is a two day show. Wonderful pied bitch. Our first Staff.

She won best of opposite sex that day at the Cow Palace.

Ch. Stonefort Sadie Hawkins
(Ch. Peck's Chip Off The Block x Ch. Peck's Pimpernel of Stonefort)
Sadie was bred by Richard and Elizabeth Vroman of Los Gatos, California.

Ch. Royal Lad
(Great Lad x Bent)
The neighbor's very down faced Bull Terrier. All white. Notice the full prick ears. Also typical of Bull Terriers. Large eyes, good jaw muscles and large nostrils, just like a Stafford.
Just kidding of course. This is a horse. Royal Lad is a registered Arabian. He was a Top Ten Arabian Stallion at Scottsdale a few years back.

Rooney's Boy
(Benica Boy x Rooney's Lass)
This is the Sire of Single White Female, Pearl's and Daphne's Dam.

Benica Boy
(Firey Jack's Pet x MacStaff Sweet Delight)
Pearl's and Daphne's Grand-Sire.

Ch. Yankeestaff Darchangel
(Urko Boy x Yankeestaff Guardian Angel)
"Murphy" is Hondo's Sire.

Bebe of Yankeestaff
(Lord Sunny Jim x Bulwark Circe of Yankeestaff)
This is Hondo's Dam.

Eng. Ch. Silver Bomber
(Lawbury Cadiz Kid x Walswake's Tigre Bianca)
A much better photograph of this dog is on the cover of the book "Staffordshire Bull Terrier" by Dieter Fleig.

Ch. Peck's Chip Off The Block
(Ch. El Macho of Los Gatos x Trugrip Lydia)
Owners: Richard & Elizabeth Vroman
Breeder: Loretta Peck
More Photos II

Ch. Yankeestaff Dillinger
(Ch. Bazooka Joe of Yankeestaff x Ch. Yankeestaff Sadie Lady)
The Number 1 ranked Staffordshire Bull Terrier for 1995. Call name "Bull".

Ch Yankeestaff Darchangel
(Urko Boy x Yankeestaff Guardian Angel)
Nancy Malec and Murphy winning Best of Breed at a 1992 show. This is Hondo's Sire.

Benica Boy
(Firey Jack's Pet x MacStaff Sweet Delight)
This is another photo of Benica Boy.

Single White Female
(Rooney's Boy x Carole's Quicksilver)
This is Pearl's and Daphne's Dam.

Single White Female
Pearl and Daphne are in there somewhere. Litter of nine puppies.

Drago & Xena
Look! Up in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It's a cat (in the tree).
More Photos III
These photos are of dogs and bitches that are in the pedigrees of many Staffords in the United States. If you look through the Pedigree Archive I & II you will find several of these dogs and bitches in almost every pedigree. We have Mrs. Nancy Bolton of the Rapparee prefix to thank for all of the Rapparee photos.
The other photos are from Steve Eltinge's book "The Staffordshire Bull Terrier in America ", 1986, Multi-Image Presentations. This book is no longer in print and is going used for very high prices. If you ever get the chance, you owe it to yourself to obtain a copy. I didn't put this book high on my list of favorites for several years, but with age, both myself and the book, it is much more valuable. It has become an important work that documents the history of the Stafford in this country.

Ch. Quite Contrary of Rapparee
We don't know how old she was in this photo, but when Mrs. Nancy Bolton, her owner and breeder, sent me this photo in September, 1987, she was sixteen years old and still going strong.

Ch. Rapparee Rothersyke Vow
Sire of 17 champions. Handyman's son.

Ch. Rapparee Look Lively
Renegades litter sister.

Ch. Rapparee Threapwood Handyman
Crufts B.O.B. winner. Sire of Bringarry Dangerman.

Ch. Rapparee Renegade
He is 18 months old in this photo.

Ch. Guardstock's Red Atom
(Darton of Henstaff (UK) x Wystaff Witchcraft)
The first Staffordshire Bull Terrier to win an ALL-BREED BEST IN SHOW. He won at least 145 Terrier Group Placements, including at least 26 Group Firsts, and was the first SBT to place in the top 20 Terriers for the year.
(photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge)

Bandits Firestreak Red Rover and Bandits Belle Lettres
From chapter I of Steve Eltinge's book "The Staffordshire Bull Terrier in America" we learn that the first Stafford that Steve Stone bought was Belle. Brutus was already here in the US.
For further insight into these two cornerstones of the Stafford in the United States and Finland, in Steve Stone's own words, click this link.

Brinsley Lad
(Delacourt Yeomanry x Sheila The Countess)
Brinsley with his owner Claude Williams.
(photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge)

Ch. Northwark Becky Sharpe
(West Riding Alfalfa x Ch. Loggerheads Filanda)
Imported from Australia. She was the first Australian import to win her Championship in the United States.
(photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge)

Ch. Tinkinswood Imperial
(Abbot of Ravenspur x Tinkinswood Gypsy)
The first SBT registered in the AKC stud book.
(photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge)

Ch. Lastand Serendipity
(Rambo Boris the Bold x Ch. Lastand DuBonet of Reknown)
Absolutely beautiful photo of a mother with two of her pups.
(photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge)

Ch. Wystaff Wicked Witch
(Ch. Wystaff Warlock x Wystaff Wicked Lady)
A wonderful bitch that was used in a lot of breeding programs.
(photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge)

Ch. Silverzend Satan
(Bringarry Dangerman x Ch. Constables Billy Club of Silverlake)
An important male Stafford in many US breeding programs.
(photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge)

Ch. Peck's Ringo
(Camino's Jagger x Ch. Jonell Bonita)
Nice male breed by Loretta Peck, now Loretta Drown of Sonshine Staffords.
(photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge)