Links to Rugar puppies and their accomplishments

BIS MBPIS Can. Ch. Sensational Fly 'N' High (MBPIG).
Winston is Canada's FIRST Stafford to be awarded a "Best Puppy in Show" twice and the FIRST male Stafford to be awarded an All Breed "Best In Show".

Can. Ch. Sensational Dew "N" Great
Can. Ch. Sensational Dew 'N' Great (Freedom) earned her Championship in July 2004 at Cold Lake, Alberta under Judge Bud Haverstock at 11 months of age.
Freedom also became Canada's first female Stafford to be awarded a Best Puppy In Show at seven months of age in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan under Judge Edna St. Hilaire. A worthy note to this is that she received the award on her FIRST EVER appearance in a show ring.

CAN. CH. SENSATIONAL IRON LADY (Maggie) was born on 30 August 2002.
She finished her Canadian Championship in April 2003 in Edmonton, Alberta at eight months of age, taking Best Of Breed and Best Puppy In Group under International Judge Mrs. Paula Heikkenen Lehkonnen of Finland.
Maggie loved the show scene but hated the show ring. A real social butterfly at the shows. Due to her dislike for the show ring her continuation was not pursued, believing that the well-being of the dog should always be placed before the interests of the owner.
She attended the first ever Stafford booster to be held in Alberta in October 2003 alongside her best friend and soul-mate, Winston, where she took Best Of Opposite Sex behind Winston.
It is a shame that she disliked the show ring so much (unless with Winston) as she could have achieved heights that may have surpassed his achievements