The SBTC/USA Club Bulletin No. 5
June 20, 1968
On May 5, 1968, a meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rant in Los Angeles for the purpose of considering suggestions and alterations to the Provisional Constitution and By-Laws, which was distributed along with the Standard of the Breed to SBTC/USA members in early April.
Only one letter containing proposed alterations was received, that from Pete Sparks of Starke, Florida, who had two excellent suggestions. Accordingly, in Article 4. Section 3, the reference to "no proxy" is omitted, and the new phrase will read, "All proxy votes must be certified by the Board of Directors." Also, Article 3, Section 1, will omit the word "three" in referring to Regional Vice Presidents. It was also decided to accept Mr. Sparks's suggestion that these Regional Vice Presidents be referred to as representing the East, Midwest, and West instead of specific cities or states. Mr. Sparks also had some comments about the Breed Standard, but this matter is not open to interpretation (except for the final paragraph) because it is taken verbatim from the Standard approved by the (English) Kennel Club.
At the May 5th meeting, however, the Secretary proposed that the final sentence of the final paragraph be altered to read: "Imported exhibits may have had the front dew claws removed." This suggestion was approved. Corrected copies of the Constitution and By-Laws plus the Breed Standard will be sent to members in due course.
A number of new regular members have Joined our ranks since the membership list was printed in Bulletin No. 4, March 1, 1968. They are:
Sam W. Farris, 2331 Fifth Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama
Eeva-Liisa Brotherus, 11 Tanners Pond Road, Garden City, LI, N.Y.
Richard Dodd, 42 Westbourne Dr., Los Angeles, Calif. 90069
Charles Tenerowicz, 7 South St., Windsor Locks, Conn.
In addition we have a number of prospective members who have not yet finalized their membership as of this date.
We have a new Overseas Member:
Miss Rachael Swindells, The Isle, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England.
The Secretary still has two copies of John F. Gordon's "The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Owner's Encyclopedia" for sale at $5.00 plus 50 cents postage. The Secretary can also order special hand-made two-inch-wide Stafford leather collars for members from a local expert saddle-maker at a cost of 8.00 plus 50 cents postage. These are non-profit services for members.
Several litters are expected during the course of the summer in California, New York, Connecticut, and Maryland. Owners of the dams should maintain constant contact with the Secretary regarding puppy registrations and sales. The Secretary will be only too pleased to refer prospective buyers to breeders but must know the specifics of the litter in question.