Steve Stone's Stafford Photo Album - Page 21

Image Gallery

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Row 1

Eng Ch Rapparee the Gladiator.

Eng Ch Rapparee the Gladiator

(Photo by C. M. Cooke & Son.)

Margot of Rossisle.

Margot of Rossisle

At 4-1/2 years old. She had 2 Reserve CC/s in England. Sire: Eng Ch Son of Billy Boy, Dam: Eng Ch Marjorie's Choice.


Ch Silverzend Satan.

Ch Silverzend Satan

An AKC Confirmation Champion. Owened by Jim Davenport, Silverzend Kennels. Out of: Bringarry Dangerman x Ch Constables Billy Club of Silverlake.

(Photo courtesy: Steve Eltinge.)

Row 2

Prifddinas Petrina.

Prifddinas Petrina

Welch bred. Out of: Prifddinas Benedict x Carivale Gay Carnival.


Northwark Silverlake Sal.

Northwark Silverlake Sal

Bred in Australia.


Bandits Brillanda.

Bandits Brillanda

This is a really interesting picture: Bandits Brillanda, an English Stafford bitch with cropped ears, born 1960 and imported by Claude Williams of Ashton, Maryland. This is the only photo I have ever seen of a cropped Stafford -- and hope it remains the only one I will ever see.


Row 3

Bringarry Dangerman.

Bringarry Dangerman

Out of: Eng Ch Rapparee Threapwood Handyman x Gwynford Ice Diamond


A Staffordshire Bull Terrier <em>facing-off</em> with a American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff).

A Staffordshire Bull Terrier facing-off with a American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff).


Image Intentionally Let Blank.

