Steve Stone's Stafford Photo Album - Page 24

Image Gallery

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Row 1

Ch Logans Jack Thrasher.

Ch Logans Jack Thrasher.

Photo taken in May of 1982. Ch Logans Jack Thrasher out of Ch Silverzend Satan x Logans Lullubell.

(Photo by Jenny Merritt.)

Bandits Ashstock Sergeant Nimrod.

Bandits Ashstock Sergeant Nimrod.

Photo taken at one year old. He was 14-3/4" and 32 pounds. Out of Ch William the Conqueror x Corky's a Good 'un.


Mrs. L. V. Rant with Ch Piltdown Bill of Truestaff and his son Silverlake Knight Sterling.

Mrs. L. V. Rant with Ch Piltdown Bill of Truestaff and his son Silverlake Knight Sterling.


Row 2

Bandits Tinkinswood Revenge and Rocky of Ibadan.

Bandits Tinkinswood Revenge and Rocky of Ibadan.

Bandits Tinkinswood Revenge at 10 months of age and Rocky of Ibadan at 3 years and 6 months. Photo taken April of 1970. SBTC/USA Reg. No. 80. Rocky of Ibadan, "Rocky." By Wynchal Yorkshire Lad ex Windsor Rose, bred by W.S. Millar and imported in 1967 from Nigeria by Dr. Margaret Grigsby of Washington, D.C. Because of being located on the East Coast, Rocky never did get a proper chance at stud.

(Photo by Scurlock.)

Eng Ch Reetuns Aristocrat.

Eng Ch Reetuns Aristocrat.


Wild Boy.

Wild Boy (Zak).

Wild boy at age 3-1/2 years, 16-3/4" - 47 pounds. Out of Ch Jolihem El Toro x Beauty of Forge Mill. On the way from Texas, 1970. Owner M. Crowe.


Row 3

Bandits Brindalei.

Bandits Brindalei.


Prifddinas Petrina.

Prifddinas Petrina.

Imported from Wales. One of the foundation bitches in USA.

(Photo by John W. Pike.)

Image Intentionally Let Blank.

