Steve Stone's Stafford Photo Album - Page 28

Image Gallery

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Row 1

On the back: Our best girl at eight years.

On the back: "Our best girl at eight years."


Bearcats Bellamour (Charlie Girl).

Bearcats Bellamour (Charlie Girl).


Loggerheads Nell whelping The Brindle Barbarian.

Loggerheads Nell whelping The Brindle Barbarian.

Second pup of second litter, September 17, 1969.


Row 2

Sarah's old pet Badger.

Sarah's old pet Badger.


Staffords Ricky and Henry with the kids.

Staffords Ricky and Henry with the kids.

Photo taken 4/26/70.


Ch Full O'Bull Volunteer Poldark.

Ch Full O'Bull Volunteer Poldark.

Deceased 5/1/98 at 15 3/4" 42 pounds. Out of Ch Judael Privateer x Ch Full O'Bull shenanigans. Died accidentaly after obtaining championship. Never beat by a class dog. Won 3 of 4 majors exhibited at. Defeated only time owner handled - mistake! Took BOB over National Specialty and Group Winner Ch Knowbull's Duke the Darling 2nd day ever shown.


Row 3

fill it in 7.

fill it in 7


fill it in 8.

fill it in 8


Image Intentionally Let Blank.

