Steve Stone's Stafford Photo Album - Page 3

Image Gallery

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Row 1

Towans Lady Penelope.

Towans Lady Penelope

Photo taken December 15th  1967.


Towans Lady Penelope and Towans Red Knave.

Towans Lady Penelope and Towans Red Knave

Photon take December 15th 1967.


Towans Lady Penelope.

Towans Lady Penelope

Photo taken December 15th 1967.


Row 2

Steve holding two pups.

Steve holding two pups

On the back of the photo is written: "A brindle bitch pup and a red dog pup. Nov. 1967" but it is on the same page with the previous three photos labled Towans Lady Penelope and Towans Red Knave.


Tom Gundry and Cockney Charlie.

Tom Gundry and Cockney Charlie

Tom Gundry and Cockney Charlie, Christmas 1967.


Bella, December 15th 1967.

Bella, December 15th 1967

Bella, photo taken December 15th 1967.


Row 3

Brutus & Bella with kids.

Eva-Marie with Brutus, Mark with Bella and Susie and Red (5 mos). Taken March, 1965.


Larry with Fred/Charlie, Maini with Brutus/Bella.

Larry with Fred and Charlie Girl. Maini with Bella and Brutus.

Larry with Fred and Charlie Girl. Maini with Bella and Brutus. Jan 1968.


November 24, 1967 article.

