Image Gallery
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Row 1

Piltdown Bill of Truestaff - head photo.
Piltdown Bill of Truestaff out of Ch Reetuns Aristocrat x Ch Kerrisdale Orchid Fancy, bred by V. H. Pounds.

1st Copy of SBTC/USA Magazine Cover, September 1969.
Julie and pups.
Photo inside back cover.
Row 2

Ch The Black Monarch (Bumper).
(Photo by C. M. Cooke & Son.)

Black Contessa of Jolihem.
(Photo by C. M. Cooke & Son.)

Ch Silverlake Gypsy Queen (cropped image).
(Photo by Ludwig)
Row 3

Piltdown Bill of Truestaff.

Monty - April 1970.
