The SBTC/USA Club Bulletins
The Stafford community today owes a incalculable debt of gratitude to the pioneer Stafford owners whose names appear in the following SBTC/USA Bulletins. Each of these intrepid souls chose Staffords when the Breed was unknown, unheralded, and sometimes unwelcome and when showing seemed only the remotest of possibilities. They opted for Staffords against all conventional wisdom and stayed with Staffords until old age and the vicissitudes of life took their toll. If these "old timers" had not made that one singularly countervailing decision and had not afterward remained unassailable Staffanatics, the United States would still have a Stafford population of about fourteen or fifteen: no shows, no obedience, nothing -- and even so rich a land as this great country would have been much the poorer for it.
BULLETIN No. 1 | May 15, 1967 |
BULLETIN No. 2 | August 15, 1967 |
BULLETIN No. 3 | December 15 1967 |
March 1, 1968 | |
BULLETIN No. 5 | June 20, 1968 |
BULLETIN No. 6 | August 1 1968 |
BULLETIN No. 7 | December 1, 1968 |
BULLETIN No. 8 | January 14, 1969 |
BULLETIN No. 9 | April 10, 1969 |
BULLETIN No. 10 | July 10, 1969 |
BULLETIN No. 11 | Missing |
BULLETIN No. 12 | April 7, 1971 |
BULLETIN No. 13 | June 1, 1971 |
BULLETIN No. 14 | August 4, 1971 |
BULLETIN No. 15 | Missing |
BULLETIN No. 16 | February 4, 1972 |
BULLETIN No. 17 | July 28, 1972 |
LEGAL documents | February - March 1971 - We still have all of it. |

The first Stafford Rally in the USA. Held in Southern California on February 4, 1968. Left to right kneeling: Eva-Marie Stone, Judy Venable holding Kiwi, Maini Stone holding Bandits Firestreak Red Rover, Steve Stone & Bandits Belle-lettres, Mark Stone; Betty Crowther holding Towans Red Knave; Susie Crowther, Jack Harrison holding Lady Penelope of Bankdams, Larry Rant holding Tinkinswood Imperial, and Lillian Rant holding Bearcats Bellamour. Standing: Helen Liversidge, and Don Venable.